The story of Tumi Collections begins in 1987 with a simple gift—just a few beautifully crafted cotton pullover sweaters from Peru, adorned with intricate designs depicting dances and beaches. When she wore these sweaters in New York, they quickly became the talk of her office. People, even those she didn’t know, would compliment her on their beauty. She has always been a passionate and independent woman with a love for selling. It wasn't long before she began bringing more sweaters from Peru, and to her delight, they sold quickly. Starting with just six sweaters, she soon expanded her offerings to include children's clothing as well.
Realizing the potential, she sought out a reliable contact in Peru who could help her bring these unique creations to the U.S. She began importing sweaters and, with the help of her mother and sister, ventured into making hand-sewn dresses adorned with beautiful arpilleras—exquisite Peruvian designs crafted with remarkable detail.
Her business grew steadily as she established connections with artisans in Puno, known for their skill in creating stunning pieces from 100% Alpaca wool. From scarves and shawls to adult sweaters and ponchos, each item was handcrafted with care and precision. She began selling her collection at flea markets in Manhattan, both on Saturdays and Sundays. When sales didn’t meet her expectations, she expanded to street fairs, even winning a prize for the best stand at one event. She also participated in the Union Square Holiday Market, Bryant Park Holiday Market, and the Grand Central Holiday Fair, where she showcased her collection during the festive season.
However, by 2012, the rising costs of market spaces and the decline in sales led her to step back from the fairs. Today, she is a proud mother of three, who once made the brave journey from Peru to the United States, determined to share her culture and creativity with the world.
That’s where I come in. My name is Daniella Villalobos, but this is not my story—the "she" in this story is my mother. I am simply the one telling it now. I’ve taken up the mantle to continue a piece of her legacy, bringing her work to life once more, 37 years after it all began. This shop, Tumi Collections, is a testament to her dedication and the incredible craftsmanship of the hardworking artisans who pour their imagination and creativity into each piece.
We offer a 100% cruelty-free collection of apparel, crafted from Alpaca wool that is gently sheared once a year for the animals' health and well-being. Every piece is unique, embodying the history, culture, and meticulous effort that goes into its creation. I invite you to explore this collection, to see for yourself the unique nature of each piece, the beauty of Peruvian designs and the rich heritage they represent. It’s an honor to carry on my mother’s legacy and to share a part of our Peruvian culture with you through these fabrics.
This is Tumi Collections.